I feel like I'm in this vicious cycle of closeness with God. I go through seasons where I feel I am where I should be in my walk with the Lord, then there are other times, like now, that I feel like I'm so far away from Him. There are times when I feel I can't read my bible enough, I can't pray enough and I can't praise Him enough and I love those times. However, there are times, like now, when I just don't feel the pull to do those things. As I've mentioned before I am not very good at self discipline, and this is one of those times when I really wish I was better at it. I know that if I was, and I was just in the discipline of sitting down every day to spend some devotional time with Him, that I may not have times like this, or as dramatic as this feels anyways. It just seems that there's always something that gets in the way. I have good intentions but good intentions aren't enough.
One of the things that I'm going to do is talk to my wonderful, God fearing husband, who has incredible self discipline,to see if we can set up some time each day, preferably in the morning, to do a devotion and pray together. Hopefully that one constant will help me to learn to be more disciplined and maybe help me break this vicious cycle.