To help us better remember just how glorious this day truly is, Jerry and I and the kids watched The Passion of Christ. This is not a movie that I enjoy, or even look forward to watching. I do feel however, that it is something that every Christian should watch, at least once a year at this time. I feel we need to understand and be reminded just exactly what we are celebrating on Easter. Jesus bore so much pain and suffering for us, I know I for one and so unworthy of it all. I am grateful that my children have what very well may be a clearer picture of what our Saviour truly went though. Certainly much more clear than the picture I had painted in my head from the stories I learned in Sunday School. Never in my wildest imagination did Jesus bleed much more than a trickle down his face from the crown of thorns, and there wasn't much more than welts on his back from the whip. Oh how naive I was, as I know were many others. To know that my children will have a better understanding of exactly how much suffering Jesus went through for us, suffering He could have ended with just a single word. I hope that by watching this movie that His sacrifice is much more meaningful and real for them.
Praise God for that blessed 3rd day!! Praise God that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is alive and well and sitting at the right hand of God the Father waiting for the day that we will join him in Paradise!! I for one, cannot wait for that day!!!