Isn't it wonderful when life just seems to be gliding along so perfectly. The kids are good, the marriage is good, finances are good, God is good. I love it when that happens!! However, whenever that happens there's always this nagging voice in the back of my head that keeps saying "waaiiittt for it, waaaiitttt for it". Sure enough, just as you crest that hill, the bottom drops out. Most the time it's not one big thing, but a series of small things that seem to affect everything in your life. While all this is happening, as a Christian you always ask God what He's up to. You always know that when those bumps in the road come along that God has something up His glorious sleeve. We're supposed to just let go and let God do what He has in store for us. Most the time what He has in store for us means we need to change something, or everything we're doing so that we can live the life that He has in store for us. Now I don't know about you, but in my flawed humanness I fight this tooth and nail because the idea of changing things scares me half to death. That doesn't mean I don't know that the changes that God has in store for me aren't all for the greater good and in the end things will be better than they are now. I also know that God will be with me through it all, however, just the journey getting to the end terrifies me.
I have discovered though that taking that first step in the direction of change that God wants you to take, that it gets a little easier to make the second step. Hopefully as I need the finish line of this change, I'll be running through the victory tape.
On a side note though, yesterday I got my Joyce Meyer teaching of the month, any one want to guess what it's about??? The name of the CD is The Courage to Change. Just like Joyce to be there in your face with what you need to hear when you need to hear it. Thank you God!