Thursday, May 26, 2011


I cannot even count how many times a week I hear "pray for me/us" or I say those same words to someone else. Usually for me, I have to pray on the spot or I forget. I find myself saying little prayers throughout the day, but usually it's something directly related to the circumstances I'm in at that moment. Until of course I lay down to go to bed, then out comes the grocery list of things I forgot to pray for earlier in the day or things that come to me as I lay there. Most the time there is no Amen to my night time prayers because usually I fall asleep in the middle of it.

I wonder how many friends I'd have if that's how I conducted my relationship with them? Only calling when I had something I needed or wanted for me. Falling asleep during conversations all about me. I'm pretty sure they'd all get tired of that real quick, I know I would.

The last few weeks we've been having some big things going on in our household that truly are all out of our control. All we can do is wait......and pray. I have been in constant prayer about everything!!! Not only the usual circumstantial prayers but prayers for all the people involved in this situation, prayers for my family, prayers to bind demons, prayers for truth and so many more I cannot remember them all. Not only am I talking to Him daily and constantly but He talks to me daily as well. Subtle simple things that let me know He's there and He hears me.

So THIS is what a relationship with God feels like!!! That hunger for Him that I've been looking for that I could never quite get my finger on, has creeped in. I WANT to read my bible and not because it's the right thing to do. I want to pray and talk to Him and I can't wait to share with others all He's doing for me and has done.

Our sermon last Sunday was about being Thankful through the trials and storms in our lives. Sometimes that's a really hard thing to do. This time though I'm looking for all those things that are happening in the midst of it all and I'm finding so many things to be Thankful for. I can see God working through this situation and in the end I know that all things will be okay because He's in charge.

Yep, prayer is a powerful thing!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Creative Arts Team

I'm most excited because I was asked to join a new team at church a couple weeks ago. It's called the Creative Arts Team. It's comprised of just a handful of us, the pastor, his wife, our worship team leader, and another member of the worship team, and myself.

I have to say, at first I had no clue why I was even included in this group because I am the only one that isn't part of the worship team. It made no sense to me. However, once it was explained what this was about it made perfect sense.

Our job is to do all the creative work behind the sermon. Helping create series logos, choosing appropriate music and videos and back drops. Also any type of prop or sermon enhancers as well.

The series we've started this all with is a series about worship that has been named "I heart...", hence the logo with the image of the heart that I created for the series.

One of the things that I've struggled with most as an artist is what does God want me to do with this talent he's blessed me with? How can I use it for His glory? Most of my art is not spiritual in nature unless lead by the Spirit to do so, which hasn't happened more than a handful of times. Not that I avoid it or anything, it's just the kind of art I do is more random and rarely has any deep personal meaning other than the fact that it's one of my creations.

So I'm excited for this opportunity to use my God given talent to honor Him and bless our church as well. I'm looking forward to seeing where all of this goes.