I know this may seem silly, but I'm NOT a housekeeper. I do just enough to get by and the idea of deep cleaning gives me hives. I live with 3 teenage daughters, a 10 year old boy and a husband who isn't much of a neat freak himself.
A few months back I read the book A Purpose Driven Life, and I believe I was either listening to Joyce Meyer or something else at that time too. As I was doing this I kept feeling as though I was being told to clean my house. That everything I own is not mine, but God's and I should take care of it as such. That I need to do everything to the Glory of God, even the things that I don't want to do. Joyce is even so bold as to come right out and say, "go clean your house". LOL
Well this summer hubby and I have started doing some remodeling projects. We started in the dining room, painted and put in a new floor. Now we're on to the kitchen and put in a new counter top and back splash. Next will come painting and putting in a new floor in the living room. As I've done these rooms I've started making rummage sale piles, garbage piles, and give away piles. Cleaning out cabinets and washing down walls and woodwork and such. All these things that I've been avoiding like crazy before. It's actually not as awful as I remember it LOL
Now if I could just get my kids to keep it clean *sigh*
I'm the same way Lisa :) Put it off, put it off. And then once you do it you wonder why you waited so long.
And by having a clean home you love to invite people to you are able to invite them in to share your life with them ~ and in doing so, sharing Jesus and his love. :) Here's a great book I read on this:
I like the thought of giving glory to God when cleaning- I absolutely hate to clean and sort! I live with an anal engineer- who does not like 'things and stuff' out and about....he likes neat and tidy and he does help alot with the housework.......Maybe i will go get this book and bring it ith me on vacation next week.........
Currently, I have 3 teenagers at home- 2 college kids- they absolutely do not pick up after themselves, and i do not enjoy nagging....... I like the idea of being able to invite friends over without worrying if the house is messy.......
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