As Christians, we all know well the verse of John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life". The first time I learned that verse I was in Sunday school as a child. At the time I truly did not understand the magnitude of that verse. Now as a parent, that verse, and what God did for us, unclean sinners, is truly mind blowing. I would like to think that I have enough faith and trust and love for God that if He asked, I would do the same for Him. However I know in my heart of hearts, that I would once again fail Him, because I couldn't do it. I can remember the story in the bible where God tests Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only son, how appalled I was the first time I heard it. I distinctly remember feeling sick to my stomach up until the time it was revealed to me that God spared Isaac.
As a parent we see our children through sickness and cuts and scrapes, and heartaches and difficulties and those are heart wrenching to us. I can remember when all of my children were babies, crying when ever they got shots because it made them cry. And here I was as their protector, their parent, taking them to the person who was inflicting pain upon them. This year my son has had mono twice and each time it just broke my heart to see him so ill and there was nothing I could do to change that.
I think of all these things that I have endured as a parent, and all the things that I will have to endure as they continue to grow. All of these things seem so insignificant and unimportant in comparison to the pain and agony God must've felt as He sent His only Son to die for people who are unclean and unworthy. Furthermore, knowing full well all the time He was in heaven watching His Son grow up on earth, and take all the necessary steps that would ultimately lead to His agonizing, gruesome death, that He alone had the power to stop it all from happening. He could have spared Him, He could have stopped His Child's pain. Yet, because He loves us SO much He didn't, He watched His son die for us. This humbles me to the very core of my existence. The outpouring of love that God has for us is so big that it is beyond words, indescribable, and awesome. So the next time someone tells you "God loves you", try to remember just how MUCH, He loves you.