Eli Stone is a show that is on ABC on Tuesday evenings. This show started last year and the new season started last night. If you're not familiar with the show, the premise is that Eli is a lawyer that has visions that are thought to be caused by an aneurysm in his head. These visions guide him to the cases he's supposed to take and how to win them. Its a good comedy and drama, and basically a wholesome show. Last years season kind of toyed with the idea that these visions he saw were some how "divine intervention", help from a higher place. Well in last nights season opener, they came right out and said that these visions were sent to him by God. WOW God on prime time television!!! I'm not so sure that God works quite that way, but I do know that He can talk to us, and that we should listen when He does. I don't know much about the writers of this show and their religious affiliations, but I have to say it's nice to see His name being spoken on prime time tv. I'm no tv critic, but I've enjoyed this show from the very first episode, and if you're not doing anything next Tuesday night, check it out.
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