Lately I've been feeling that my Fire for the Lord is being challenged. I'm sure it's mostly in my head, but it's enough to give me pause. I've been this excited for God for the last 2 years and I only see it getting stronger as I learn more about Him. I've been more immersed in Him and His word and His presence now since joining my church. My hunger to know Him and have a deeper personal relationship with Him has only grown. How do I keep this fire burning strong? By surrounding myself with Him and His love. I start my day with worship music and prayer, I listen to worship music or christian podcasts through out the day. I read my bible, do my bible study homework and I interact with other Christians and share and witness when ever possible. I end my day in prayer and sometimes more worship music or podcasts or a devotional. I go to church every Sunday, bible study every Wednesday, Coffee Fellowship every Thursday. I started a personal growth with God type class with my pastor and 4 others tonight, and my husband and I have started going to a home group. We also help out with the youth group and vacation bible school. Seems like a lot I'm sure, but this is what is important in my life. This is what helps me keep my fire burning. I think that if being on fire for God is something you want with all your heart, soul, and mind, it's something that you will make every effort to do. Nothing brings me more joy than worshiping my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Everything I do is better because I have made Him a priority in my life.
Don't get me wrong, as I've posted here, there are times that I don't feel His presence like I want to, but those are the times that I have to pray and worship Him the most. I don't ever want this fire to go out, it's just too awesome!
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