For this class I'm taking at church with our Pastor, we had to write our personal creed, what we believe in, what our values are, whats important to us. I just thought I'd share it here. enjoy, and of course feedback is always welcome!
I believe that I am not in charge of my life, God is. I believe that the right way to live is by trusting in Him to guide me in the right path, in His path. I believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and that with God, all things are possible. I believe in raising my children to love Jesus and to know that God is always watching, and that He is always with them. I believe in sharing my faith with others, to bring others to know the love of Jesus Christ. I believe in spending time each day with God, reading, praying and praising Him. I know that in order to continue spiritual growth I need to make this a priority.
I value family; my family is my security, my safe place, my place of comfort, my place of joy and laughter. I know that in good times and in bad that they love me and I them. I know that family needs good communication to function properly. I believe in listening to my children, and talking to them with respect. I believe that parents should stand united as a team in front of their children at all times. I believe in setting boundaries and sticking to them. I believe that parents and children can also have a friendship within those boundaries. I believe that you should not only teach your children to love one another but also to love themselves. Praise and compliments may not be enough, you must tell them to love themselves.
I value my wedding vows, I believe that husbands and wives need to respect each other, listen, encourage and affirm one another always. I believe in never going to bed angry and always kissing each other before being apart. I believe that the intimate aspect of marriage is vital to the emotional and mental part of it. I believe that it is important to be one another’s best friend and not to keep secrets from one another. I know that communication is key and cannot be overlooked. I believe in holding hands in public and saying “I love you” often.
I believe in surrounding myself with people who help my being. Good community is crucial for a positive well being. Community that builds you up, brings you joy, shares in laughter and has empathy for one another. I believe in community that consists of other believers. Believers that can fellowship and grow and learn from one another often.
I value creativity and self expression. These two things help me to be who I am, they feed my soul and they bring me peace and harmony. I believe that there are no mistakes in art, only ideas that belong on a different canvas. I believe you are never too old to paint with your fingers and make a mess. I believe in living colorfully by living the life of an artist both in the studio and out.
I believe in not taking life to seriously, that you should have fun with each other and you should laugh often. I believe that a good sense of humor is one of the best personality traits a person can have. I believe that laughter is the best medicine and that it helps ease the stress of the day.
I believe in simplicity, that life should not be a constant check list of things to do. I believe in the power of the word “no”. You cannot be all things to all people. I believe that in order to keep peace in your family, to have time for spiritual growth, for community and fellowship, creativity and self expression, you must learn to say no to things that clutter your life. I believe in prayer and deliberation before saying yes to anything that would take my time away from these things. I believe am not in charge of my life, God is.
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