I wonder how our earthly relationships would survive if every time we talked to our friends, we either only thanked them for something they've done for us, or asked them to do something for us. I imagine they wouldn't be long lasting friendships.
I know that I am guilty of doing that with my relationship with God. I start most every prayer with, thank you's, the meat of my prayer is asking for things either for myself or loved ones, and ends with a few praises and maybe another thank you or two.
Now it's not to say that God doesn't want the thank you's and the requests for help, but He wants more than that. This morning our sermon was about having a relationship with Him. Coming to him to just tell him about our day, our problems our joys and including him in our life. So often we come to him looking for a solutions to our problems, when what we should be doing is just telling him about them and letting the solution come when it does.
Often, I just need someone to listen, I don't necessarily want someone to give me their advice on how to "fix it". I usually call my sister for this, and I fully intend on still calling her for that, but I think I'll take it to God as well.
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