With it being the Christmas season, of course the story of the birth of Jesus is in the forefront of our minds, but until this year, I never really gave much thought about Mary. There's a song that you may have heard, called "
Mary Did You Know" and one of the verses says, "
when you kiss your little baby, you kiss the face of God". Wow!!! She got to kiss the face of God, and kiss it often, and to watch Him take His first step and speak His first words. Can you imagine what a HUGE sense of responsibility Mary must have felt. I think of how
overwhelming the task that lay ahead of me felt when I had my first child, and I cannot imagine how much more daunting the task may have seemed to her. To have God entrust the care of His Son to her must've humbled her and terrified her all at the same time. I wonder if she fully understood what the role of her Son was to be, that she was giving birth to our Savior. That God was sending Him to this sinful world to die so that we can live. Mary must've been an extraordinary woman for God to have chosen her to be our Saviors mother.
1 comment:
This is a poem I love... regarding Mary and the revelation she received from Gabriel that she would bear the King of Kings..
I use this in our Sunday bulletins in Advent every so often.
Startled by a Holy Humming
- T h om a s H . T r o e g e r -
Startled by a holy humming
Drumming in her heart and ear.
Mary heard an angel coming,
Gabriel was drawing near.
From the loud though soundless
Beating of the flashing, unseen wings
Pulsed the words of sacred greeting
She would bear the King of Kings.
Troubled by the angel’s blessing
Mary asked how it could be.
In a way she was confessing
All the doubt could never see,
How the flesh is filled with spirit,
How the heart can beat with love,
How another heart can hear it,
How this comes from God above.
Tending to the voice of heaven
Mary’s doubts began to fade
While her faith like rising leaven
Grew until she gladly prayed,
“May it be as God has spoken,
May it be as I have heard,
May God’s will be never broken,
May I live by God’s own word.”
Startled, troubled, then believing
Mary’s vision opened wide,
She by faith began perceiving
Life and truth from heaven’s side.
Lord, may we at last like Mary
Catch the slant of heaven’s light,
Piercing through the doubts that bury
Hope and grace from human sight.
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