Joyce Meyer often says that if you're surrounded by people who aren't believers, just keep on believing, but don't push it in their faces. Eventually they'll want to join the party. Well, my family has always been Christians, but so many of them, weren't excited for Christ. Neither was I until the last couple years. Well, my sister Rachael and I have been having this awesome party and slowly but surely the rest of my family has joined us in some form or another. To me, the most exciting part is my parents. My relationship with them has changed dramatically. Almost every time we talk, in person or on the phone, we say "I Love You", 3 words that hardly ever passed through our lips to one another, it was always implied, or saved for "special occasions". The other awesome thing that has changed is we all talk openly and freely about God and our faith. We share excitements about heaven, personal struggles to keep in the Faith, and questions we may have about the bible. We share verses to help one another through a tough time or verses of praise when it applies. It's so wonderful to have so many loved ones on the same journey. We can only help each other grow in our faith, and if we should stumble along the way, there's plenty of us to help pick each other up. Our God, is an Awesome God!!!
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