Andy Stanley has done it again! Every time I listen to one of his message series, he teaches me things and shows me areas of my life that I need to grow and improve. Being an artist, I was excited to hear his analogy was art related. Andy was talking about how hard it is for us to let God paint our lives for us. That it's so hard for us to just hand over the paintbrush and let him do the painting. He pointed out that when we go in for surgery, never do we tell the doctor that we'd like to hold the scalpel. Of course not!!! The doctor is much more capable at performing the surgery than we are and we never even question it. We put our faith in that doctor that he's going to do the right thing for us. When we have money to invest, most of us if we tried to make investments ourselves, with out any knowledge, would lose money. The outcome is much better when we trust our money to someone who knows what they're doing. We trust these mere humans whom God has given the wisdom to, to handle big things in our lives without much question. Yet when it comes to letting go and letting God, we have a really hard time relinquishing that paintbrush. To see evidence that God is a Master Painter we merely have to open our eyes and look around us. Not only is all of nature breath taking, but the blessings we've all been given while we're still holding onto that paintbrush are astounding. Can you even begin to imagine how amazing our lives would be if only we'd take our hand off, and let God have total control of it?
If you're interested in listening to Andy Stanley, you can in several different places. They post the weekly messages on the church website
here, Northpoint is also now on
YouTube, and if you have an IPod you can d/l podcasts off of Itunes.
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