For several months now I've been doing a Wednesday Morning Bible Study at my church with some wonderful women. Well that particular study has now come to a close and it's time to move on to our next study. We've chosen to do the Beth Moore Bible Study, Living Beyond Yourself; Exploring the Fruits of the Spirit. The reason I have all these mixed emotions about it is because I've been asked to lead it. I know that with God's help I will do just fine, however, the butterflies in the tummy I'm sure will be in full flight when it starts.
Part of my excitement is that my sisters and my mom are going to do this study with me. Yet another way my family is there for each other on this amazing faith walk we're on together.
1 comment:
Maybe you and your mom and your sisters are like the bowl of fruit on the cover of that book .... it is called fruit(s) of the Spirit for good reason :)
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