This summer Jerry and I participated in a Life Action Seminar and it was wonderful, it taught us many things. One of the things that we learned was to pray with out asking God for anything! To pray but only to Praise Him and give Him thanks. So often when we come to Him in prayer it's only because we have needs and want Him to solve our problems and voice our complaints. As a mom I know how irritating it becomes when the only time your children come to you is to ask you to do this, or take them here, or fix that. However, occasionally one of them will come to me just to give me a hug and tell me they love me. Some how that makes all the catering to their wants and needs worth it. Just that reaffirmation that they need me for something other than to fix it, take them, or do this. I think God feels that way too. We bombard Him with our needs and wants and forget that He needs to just be worshiped and praised and thanked. Give it a try sometime.
1 comment:
Were you at the Thirst conference at Calvary? It was so awesome!! I was there too! Calvary is my home church. I've been going there since I was 16 and we first moved to Lake Geneva. Before that we lived in East Troy and went to East Troy Bible Church.
I would love to get together with you sometime Lisa. It appears we have an awful lot in common and we live so close!
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