Don't get me wrong, when I praise God, I praise Him with all my heart, soul and mind. However, I know that I have ulterior motives to it sometimes as well. I know that I love the way it makes ME FEEL when I praise Him. Sometimes if I have been feeling low I'll think, I know, I just need to praise God and play Christian music and sing and pray and then I will feel better. Now, I know, the important part is that I praise Him and that I come to Him in prayer and praise, however, I also know that if I am completely honest with myself I also do it because it makes me feel good.
Here in lies a bit of a catch 22 though if you will, it's just a natural occurrence, for me at least, spending time with God DOES make you feel good, it can't be helped. So now I struggle with making sure that my time with Him is ALL for Him and not for me!
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