We've made some adjustments in our life in the last few months and we feel they're all for the better. The biggest thing we've done is taken a long hard look at our finances and the way that we're spending our money. We also started tithing, we WANT to tithe! Thats the one check or online payment that I write out every pay period that doesn't make me sick to my stomach. I know that God will bless us ten fold and I KNOW that He will provide for us. However, does He have to cut it so close??? I am more stressed out about our money and our finances now than I was before we decided to reign things in and start really paying attention to how and where we spend our money. I know that I am supposed to trust Him and believe that He will provide, and I do, however, it's so scary right now! When I've paid all the bills and there's nothing left it freaks me out! I've done a whole lot of praying as of late on the subject of money that I probably sound like a broken record. I'm not asking to be rich, I just want enough. Thank God that the Financial Peace Seminar is starting soon at church cause I certainly need some Financial Peace!
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