Saturday, December 27, 2008
God has touched our family.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Jesus is the reason for the season

This is something that Pastor David at my church has preached both this Sunday and last, that if you don't see the cross through the Nativity, you've completely missed the message. I think so often even us as Christians who KNOW that Jesus, a sinless man, was crucified for our sins, tend to forget all that and get all "gooey" at the thought of Jesus as a baby. Not until Easter time rolls around do we consider the reason Jesus came to this earth. I think it's important to remember that at Christmas time too. Christmas is more than Jesus being born, even as a baby He was our Savior and He had only one purpose for coming to this world, to be crucified. Make sure you have the big picture in mind next time you see a Nativity, make sure you see the cross in the shadow of it.
Sunday, December 14, 2008

overwhelming the task that lay ahead of me felt when I had my first child, and I cannot imagine how much more daunting the task may have seemed to her. To have God entrust the care of His Son to her must've humbled her and terrified her all at the same time. I wonder if she fully understood what the role of her Son was to be, that she was giving birth to our Savior. That God was sending Him to this sinful world to die so that we can live. Mary must've been an extraordinary woman for God to have chosen her to be our Saviors mother.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
A season of giving?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Very Excited!

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Fireproof Lesson

It basically boils down to treating each other with respect and that loving one another is much more than just saying the words, you must do actions as well. However you must do them with your heart, not just go through the motions so you can say you tried. Jerry and I have an awesome marriage, we are truly a partnership and each others best friends. We respect one another and we communicate very well. We think so much alike sometimes that it's down right scary. God blessed us when he brought us together and we thank him continually for that. Part of our marriage is doing things for each other just because we know it will make the other one happy.
One day one of my kids asked why we always have to have "those kinds of french fries", my reply "cause that's what your dad likes". Until she said, "how come we always have to have what dad likes?", I hadn't even realized I was making those adjustments to the way I did things. I just did them.
The same lesson applies to the life of a Christian, you cannot truly call yourself a Christian if you don't live the life of one through your words and your actions. After having committed my life to the Lord I find that things that I had done previously, I cringe at the thought of doing them now. I'm not talking major things, but small things, "french fries" if you will. Swearing is one that I have issue with now, not only from my own mouth, but hearing it from others as well. Gossip is still one that I struggle with because it's so easy to fall into, but I no longer do it so freely, and find myself getting a sick stomach if I get pulled into it and try to back out of it as soon as I realize what's happening. Hopefully I'll eventually make these adjustments to my life just as easily as I made the adjustment to what kind of french fries my family eats and do it without giving it a second thought.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Vicious Cycle

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Are you surrounded by Christians?

Friday, November 14, 2008
Never Underestimate God

Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Bible Experience

Thank God for Technology

Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Breath of God.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
God's Love

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
3am prayers

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Great Quote

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Eli Stone

Monday, October 13, 2008
Bible Knowledge

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Hunger for Alone Time

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Creating For God

Relentless in St. Louis!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008
New Bible Study

I'm very excited about this one, and miraculously it comes at a time in my life when I truly need it. This one is the study of the Psalms of Assent, 120-134. In the introduction of this series Beth says that this is a study of happiness, that these Psalms are truly happy. She said, if you're in a dark place and need to see the light, these Psalms will do that for you. Praise the Lord!!! In the last month or so, I've been in the darkest place I've ever been in my life and am so happy to be seeing the light, this will just help solidify my foundation. Even though I shouldn't be amazed, because He does it so often, but I can't help it, I'm amazed again that God knows just what I need just when I need it.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Are you there God? It's me, Lisa.

Here's a video on You Tube that reminds us that God's Love is never ending, it's about 4 minutes long, I hope you'll take the time to watch.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Living a Life of Discipline

Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Revelation Song

Friday, September 12, 2008
Keeping My Focus

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Only Praise Allowed

Woke With A Psalm In My Head

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Why is this so hard?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Who Am I Worshipping For?

Don't get me wrong, when I praise God, I praise Him with all my heart, soul and mind. However, I know that I have ulterior motives to it sometimes as well. I know that I love the way it makes ME FEEL when I praise Him. Sometimes if I have been feeling low I'll think, I know, I just need to praise God and play Christian music and sing and pray and then I will feel better. Now, I know, the important part is that I praise Him and that I come to Him in prayer and praise, however, I also know that if I am completely honest with myself I also do it because it makes me feel good.
Here in lies a bit of a catch 22 though if you will, it's just a natural occurrence, for me at least, spending time with God DOES make you feel good, it can't be helped. So now I struggle with making sure that my time with Him is ALL for Him and not for me!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Excited for Melissa

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008
Feeling The Presence of God

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Feeling Convicted.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Go God Go!!!

I have found that talking about how He works in my life on a daily basis has become easier and easier to do. I feel less intimidated about giving God the glory He so rightly deserves. In doing so I find that I'm even more surrounded by other believers than I ever thought I was. Why is it that Christians who love God find it so hard to share Him with others. It's like that song you learned in Sunday school, "....hide it under a bushel, NO, LET IT SHINE, LET IT SHINE, LET IT SHINE".
Are you letting your light shine???
Monday, August 18, 2008
Keeping Focus

Sunday, August 17, 2008
How could anyone doubt?

Friday, August 15, 2008
Come Holy Spirit, Come!

The last few days I have just been so Spirit filled it's like I'm walking on air! I can't put my finger on that exact moment when it happened, but it's definitely there. This amazing Spiritual High is so awesome and I just feel so close to God lately. I don't ever want it to go away!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Where I'm Supposed To Be

Do you ever find yourself looking for exactly what you want and when you find it you just KNOW it's right? That's how I feel about my church. My husband and I started our marriage going to Christ Episcopal Church in Delavan, WI. It's a wonderful church with wonderful parishioners and Priest. It was where we needed to be when we started our married life and having children. We were surrounded by my husbands family and had all the support we needed. As our kids got older, and the congregation began to change we found that we were just not getting what we needed from it any longer. We were changing in our Spiritual needs, however out of obligation to Jerry's family and out of habit as well, we continued to go there on occasion which was really not doing us any good. Then as I mentioned in a previous post I went to the Joyce Meyer Women's Convention last year and my Spirit was renewed and my fire for God was alive and burning hot. Going to church became almost a let down after that because I was not feeling the passion there that I wanted. Not that the church changed in it's message or was it anything that the church did, it was ME that changed and wanted, NEEDED something else, something more, something different. After a little bit of trying different churches we decided to visit Lakeland Community Church just outside of Lake Geneva here. One of the big things that Jerry and I had talked about in terms of finding a new church was that we wanted one that our children could get excited about and become involved in as well. When we walked into the church, the service had already started with the music, and oh my goodness was it AWESOME!!! Guitars and Keyboards and Drums, like walking into a concert!!! It blew me away!!! 10 minutes into it, Melissa my youngest teenage daughter, the hardest one to reach right now in terms of church and God, leans over to me and says "Mom, This ROCKS!!". YES!!!! That day just happened to be mine and Jerry's wedding anniversary, the sermon was about marriage and commitment and love. Could NOT have been more meant for us! They showed one of the small video's that coincide with our service and it was humorous and our 10 year old son about fell off his chair in a laughing fit. I was so moved by this service that I cried through the whole thing, I truly felt that we had found our new church, that THIS is what I had been looking for. To reaffirm my feelings when the service was over and we got into the van to go home, my kids were still talking about it all.
We've been there now for about 2 months, and our whole family has been very involved in several things and as we get to know the other members we're even more happy to have found our niche in God's Kingdom.
I hope that everyone can find that, a church that truely has the ability to feed your soul with everything that it needs. Don't let obligation or habit get in the way of growing in your walk with God.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Something to Shout Hallelujah About!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Started a New Bible Study

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Pray! Pray! Pray!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008
Emotions are a Powerful Thing.

My parents have 3 pieces of property up north where we camp. They have 1 lake lot and 2 others that have campers on them and sheds and the perfect set up for lots of family vacations and fun. All these years they have been extremely gracious and generous and have allowed all of us kids to use their campers and property free of charge. We've always tried to give them some $$ and help pay for things when we can because we feel that is the right thing to do. However we're well aware that what we give them most likely barely scratches the surface of what it actually costs them in taxes, electric, storage and general upkeep of everything.
They recently aquired the 3rd property and have since then discovered their budget is stretched almost to a breaking point! So something has to go! The first property they bought and the camper on it is bought and payed for, therefore the most logical choice to liquidate. UGH!! They have had this property for years!!! We've grown to love this place and hate to see it go! I so desperatly wanted to scream and shout and throw a tantrum about this. However, it's so selfish of me to feel this way so I kept my emotions in check and let my parents know that I totally understand, and I was being honest, I do understand. However, that doesn't mean I like any of it!
Joyce Meyer has mentioned many of times in her messages about how hard it is not to let us be ruled by our emotions. How important it is to do what we KNOW is right and NOT what we FEEL like doing. This is certainly one of those times and something I'm praying hard to do. I know that this is a difficult decision for my parents because they know it's disappointing to us kids, and I know thats not what they want to do. However, us kids need to be supportive and understanding and help them NOT to feel any guilt over this. They've given us things that many parents can't do for their children and we still have the other lots and camper to go to so it's not like they've taken it all away from us. So I just have to get used to someone else owning "My" lot and "My" camper. *sigh*
This too shall pass, with God's help.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sister to Shout Hallelujah with!

Monday, July 28, 2008
An epiphany

Ever have one of those still small voices that just pushes you in the right direction?? I had one of those last night in relation to trying to get a handle on our finances so that we can tithe without it feeling like we're drowning to do it. I so desperatly want to do this! I also, in listening to Andy Stanley have learned that financial freedom and being debt free is what God wants for us. This is an area I struggle terribly in. It's also an area that my husband doesn't get involved with. Not because he doesn't care, but because it's just always been this way. I'm in charge of writing the checks and making sure the bills are being paid. However, last night, my "A-HA" moment, was when I realized I cannot do this on my own. I need him to be involved in this, we have to do this together. It has become an area that I'm not so good at and that I need some added direction and guidance, and some one elses judgement and decision making. Now, I just have to break this to him, hmmm, maybe link to my blog is in order huh? Love ya honey!
Friday, July 25, 2008
A Time, A Place, A Plan

However the one book whose contents affects every single moment of every single day of my life I rarely crack open. Why is that? Why is it so difficult to sit down and read the bible? I went out and I bought this great Vera Wang bible cover in this great tapestry pattern, with the little front pocket for my journal, my pen and my highlighter. It has this great little handle by which to carry it if I should ever want to take it anywhere. So it's all packaged real nice and looks real pretty. What good is all that though if I never open it?
I listened to a 3 part series by Andy Stanley from Northpoint Community Church about reading our bible. He likened it to a text message, a text message from God. In the last message of the series he challenged us to find a Time, a Place and have a Plan on how we're going to go about reading our bible. I thought, alright, this is just the challenge I've been waiting for, as if it needs to be some sort of sporting event type thing in order for me to open that book.
However, this morning, I picked my time; morning, mornings are good for me. I'm usually up before most everyone, and those few times that others may be up they're busy doing other things. I picked my place; the cozy comfy couch in the family room. Now my plan, hmmmm the plan thing is the fuzzy area for me. I think I'm gonna do the open and read what it opens to plan LOL, or maybe I'll pick a book and go through that. I started this morning with James, I'll finish that I think, it started good, I'd like to see how it ends.
So, do you have A Time, A Place, A Plan???
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
New CD
Monday, July 21, 2008
God is Awesome!!!
Now when I decided to do this, I have made it my goal not to focus on sales. Yes, sales are nice, but at this point it's not what I want to focus the Art Fair experience on. Selling is nice, and I'm thrilled that someone would like what I do well enough to display it in their home, however, I'm more interested in feedback at this point. Having someone come into my booth and tell me they like what I do, and how different and interesting it is. When they ask questions and want to know about my art, to me, at this point anyways, is more rewarding that the almighty dollar. I got so much positive feedback from people I cannot even begin to tell you about it all.
The best part in all of this is that I truely felt the presence of God yesterday. He was there in ever aspect of it. He helped calm me when we were on our way and I was beginning to get nervous all the way till it was time to pack up and go home. I just felt so blessed yesterday and I know that I owe everything to the Glory of His name. Our God IS and Awesome God!!!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
The Power of Music

Missing Church
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Giving In

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Why Do I Need More Than Enough?
In the last series however, that I listened to from Andy Stanley, he talks about spending and finances. One of the questions he asks us is, "Why do you need more than enough?". He talks about the wealthy man who has a better than average crop and has no place to store the excess. So instead of sharing the excess he builds bigger and better buildings to hold his grains. He then thinks he can sit back and relax because he has all this grain and he will be taken care of for many years. Yet the Lord decides that his life will be taken from him that night, so he never gets to enjoy all that excess. So all this extra stuff we fill our life up, is just stuff, and when we die, other people get it! We need to get rid of all the extra stuff, collections are just that, collections and truely do us no good, just more stuff that clutters our lives and makes us want more. I've always been a collector or one thing or more, and truely enjoy my collections, however, I now see them in a different light. I think it's time for a rummage sale, don't you?
Why do I need more than enough?
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Do You Know What Laminin is?